History & comparison

By default, Hextrakt keeps the last 5 crawls in the history. You can change this in the crawl configuration (perimeter tab). To compare crawls efficiently, preserve the same crawl settings / perimeter for all your successive crawls. If you crawl big websites, check that you have enough disk space available.

Crawl history without constant perimeter
Crawl history without constant crawl perimeter


To compare with a previous crawl, select the crawl date in the list. The Data changes tab shows all new errors, new warnings, new found (HTML) pages, new URLs, lost URLs.

The crawl comparison function allows you to display the differences found between two crawls (in Data changes tab). For each non-identical piece of data, hextrakt displays the data label and the number of errors found. This function, which is useful for tracking the progress of SEO projects and the implementation of corrections, also allows you to compare mobile and desktop crawl data.

Comparaison de crawls
Crawls comparison

For each piece of data with different values, you can click on the number of differences to display each URL in the lower table, with the different values between the two crawls: the previous value vs the current value.

Comparaison des données de crawl
Crawl data comparison